Saturday, May 2, 2009

Potential Header?

OK, so now that I have such privileges, I don't know what is to be done with them. Do you want me to change the template, or just the colours on the template? Plus, I took some pictures that could potentially be the new header of this bad boy, so you will need to see them before I do anything to them, because I don't want to spend my evening editing one of them to perfection only to find you hate it. Chloé, I mean. Not the new ghosts of this blog. Also, once we have a header established, co-ordinating template and colours will be easier to deal with.
As for you ghosts, I see no reason for anyone to be reading this at such a time, as Chloé and I haven't actually worked anything out about this yet at all and we seem to be communicating via this disaster we call a blog. Hopefully we can get it in gear. And perhaps communicate via some other portal of technology.

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